president L Sachiko Oizumi

Everybody, hello, we are Lions Club by the new format which the Lions Club international organization permitted recently. The member is composed of the adult member to 35 years old with 20 people. Making the Internet and amateur radio the characteristic I go do the activity. Please thank you.

I do the inaugural ceremony in the Internet and the regular meeting makes the most of the advantage of rhinoceros bar Lions Club such as the Internet regular meeting, radio wave regular meeting and also do even the off meeting and deepen the friendship of the member and go discern the direction nature of the voluntary service activity.

New century Lions Club which it was organized for the first time in the world was told that MUBARE Leo Club became. Recruiting the member as, the mother's body even we could reach Takasaki Castle Leo Club to formation.

Thereupon, we think the power that the facing lives to the youth that is represented to the lions quest program humanitarianism task force of activation etc. of the interior division of the Hunting lions in the Air contest by the opening, radio wave of the voluntary service activity, youth Internet competitions in the communication means, IT fields of when that are urgent that I want to go tackle lions that construct the opening, network of the activity, youth Internet classroom that I give. I think that I want to be going to make every possible effort so that it makes the earth of the environment that asks to watch us warmly by all means and face to future and be good to live.
